Dell Technologies Titanium Partner Announcement
SG Solutions, a leading provider of IT solutions and services in Malta, has recently achieved an impressive milestone by being named a Dell Titanium Partner. The recognition is an impressive accomplishment and a testament to the company’s expertise, exceptional customer service, and its ability to provide cutting-edge technology solutions. To become a Dell Titanium […]
End to End Infrastructure Security – Cyber Security vs Cyber Resilience
One of the top concerns of businesses today is security. Though all businesses agree with increased cyber security and cyber resilience in principle, many are unsure of their differences and therefore lost where to begin. Put simply, cyber security focuses on keeping ‘them’ out while cyber resilience focuses on responding when ‘they’ get in. Cyber […]
Virtualizing data-demanding environments with high performance storage and servers
Today’s competitive business environment is made up of demanding applications. With information technology becoming an enabler for business, rather than a cost, this is forcing organizations to accurately predict and deploy the infrastructure necessary for growth. Organizations who have modernized and transformed operations make the most of their servers and storage by adopting virtualization in […]
SG Solutions Limited Launches New Website
SG Solutions Limited is proud to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website that aims to create a new browsing experience for all our visitors. The new site features a streamlined design, improved functionality and quick access to essential information for businesses looking to research about improving their existing IT systems or implementing new […]